Pfingstmontag 16.05.2016
Bei durchwachsenen Wetterbedingungen fand auch in diesem Jahr wieder der tradtionelle Pfingstritt in Dettenhausen mit rund 80 Reiterinnen und Reitern statt. Pünktlich zum Umritt zog der Himmel auf und alle blieben trocken. Wie immer wurde für das leiblich Wohl bestens gesorgt, egal ob Grillfleisch, Kuchen oder Schmalznudel, für jeden Geschmack war etwas dabei.
Die Kindergruppe ist mit mehreren Volkstänzen und Plattlern im Festzelt aufgetreten und hatte große Freude daran.
Wir freuen uns schon aufs nächste Jahr!
Kommentar schreiben
http://hotelsnearme.ueuo.com (Mittwoch, 29 April 2020 03:27)
www.restaurantthatdeliversnearme.website/ (Mittwoch, 17 Juni 2020 13:21)
nene25.com (Dienstag, 12 Januar 2021 09:56)
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">스포츠티비</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">스포츠중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">무료스포츠중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">해외축구중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">로그인없는 스포츠중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">프리미어리그</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">nba중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">mlb중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">해외스포츠중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">스포츠분석</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">해외스포츠분석</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">스포츠분석사이트</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">한국야구중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">KBO중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">npb중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">일본야구중계</a></div>
<div class="sfcommentText">NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
<a href="http://nene25.com/">느바중계</a></div>